Doing business ethically in 2023

An insight to doing business in 2023

Ben Pannell

9/11/20234 min read

Sometimes things happen that are out of our control as business owners. In this case it comes down to other agency owners, speaking with business owners locally about marketing an important revelation has come to light that there are a few bad apples in the marketing space that ruin potential business relationships for the rest that actually care and want to help build a business.

My conversation was with the COO of an indoor soft play company with multiple locations. My wife and I love the brand and have taken our daughter on many occasions to this particular company. I had a conversation on LinkedIn with the COO as I loved the brand and would love to work with the company on this project if they are advertising for a marketing specialist. Why not use an agency?

Well before the COO came on board, they hired a different agency the results were poor at best they over charged and under delivered to the point where the trust in anyone outside of the company is completely eroded. We spoke in-depth regarding this matter as personally I would be happy to take on the contract on the same conditions of pay as an employee just to help the brand. To help restore some faith in other businesses and the COO loved that idea and had to float the decision to the CEO. We came to a standstill all because the word agency brought up a very sour taste.

This isn't the only business I have spoken to in a similar situation. The CEO of an independent home buyer's inspection company was being billed about £1500 over what they should have if they had done the SEO and content correctly. Marketing only on Google is expensive compared to social media marketing in my experience with both platforms! The CEO of this business is still trying to decide whether or not to trust someone else and I can't say i blame them. When your business is in the toilet because the company you hired is only producing enough results to pay, they're Invoice at the end of the month, how can you trust a company to help when you already had a bad experience?

The truth is you can't all you can do is offer advice and help if they get back to you. Being transparent with clients and being honest goes a long way,

here at AdsocialZ we give clients a monthly breakdown of the good and bad and what we will try and fix. Social media marketing is fluid, best example is a client we have to manage just their website and Facebook account. Bare in mind this is the 3rd contract we have with them because of expansion. After checking the website and platform we came to a long-term agreement due to the amount of work and testing on the website but at a reasonable price.

For that we are probably undercharging but working with local businesses the idea is to get your local community to thrive together and create more opportunities for employment, development and community. The truth is without business owners and entrepreneurs there isn't a job market or opportunities it creates austerity.

While we are a business, we believe in making a difference for business owners and making their lives easier. Freeing up their time to run the business and driving traffic to make things a bit easier. In addition to increasing brand awareness, driving traffic and sales using SEO, Pay Per Click and Social Media Ads and Social Media Content. What sets us apart is the in-depth monthly reports we do and the level of communication we offer to our clients. They actually get to see the changes in a monthly and quarterly report with more complete data.

We want to help, we want your business to thrive, we want to give you results, we want to save you time.

Social media marketing or digital marketing is what we do and we are good at it.

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